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The Sankore’ Institute of Islamic-African Studies International also called (SIIASI), is a non-profit, non-political educational institution founded for the sole purpose of researching into the educational, political, cultural and religious heritage of Islamic Africa.

The primary area of concern is that part of Black Africa traditionally known as the Bilad ‘s-Sudan (The Lands of the Blacks). These lands include all the regions located south of the Sahara desert and north of the tropical jungles, between the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea.  The purpose of  SIIASI is to elucidate and evidence the Islamic traditions which were born out of African nations such as Takrur, Songhay, Mali, Ghana, Kanem-Bornu, Wodai, Fur, Funj, Sokoto, Segu, Massina and the Mahdist kingdom of the Nile valley.  More>


Tawfeeq Al Muslimeen



an Image of the cover of a newly translated book from as-Sanusi regarding the aqeeda of ahl’s-Sunna wa Jamaat by Shaykh Muhammad Shareef






The book of Commanding the Good and Forbidding the Evil by Shehu Uthman Dan Fodio (Kitab Amr Bi’l-Ma’ruuf Wa’n-Nahyi An al-Munkaar)…Arabic annotation by Shaykh Muhammad Shareef bin Farid


(The Unique Methodology in Knowing the Science of Divine Unity)


This work was written for the common Muslim in order elevate their knowledge and discourse regarding the essentials of scholastic theology in order to move them from the status of commonality, to being an intermediate student (mutawassit), to being one knowledgeable of the basic fundamental science of scholastic theology. 


    graphic for salatul kubra 

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The Way of Salavtion

This concise work, Sabeel’n-Najaat (the Way of Salvation) by one of Black Africa’s leading statesmen, military generals and scholars, Shaykh Abdullahi ibn Fuduye`, is believed to have been produced after 1827 when he retired from active rule of the Gwandu region of the Sokoto Caliphate.

This work reflected the kind of instructions Shaykh Abdullahi was engaged in during this period. The two original manuscripts I used to translate this work were no less than 10 folios and no more than 13 folios respectively. Thus, the work is relatively small. It is divided into two chapters followed by a small conclusion.

  • The first chapter is on repentance and its conditions.
  • The second chapter is on guarding the five limbs which Shaykh Abdullahi enumerates as: the eyes, the ears; the tongue; the heart and the stomach.
  • In his conclusion, ‘the professor’ simply reiterates a quote presumably taken from the conclusion of his brother, Shehu Uthman’s Ihya’s-Sunna wa Ikhmad’l-Bid`a, where he quotes from an Andalusian scholar, Abu’l-Abbas al-Abyaani.

This work is thus an epitomizing of the fundamentals of spiritual purification for the transformation of character (tasawwuf li’t-takhalluq) composed for the beginner in the spiritual path.

In these last days and times when tribulation, injustice, hypocrisy and inequity have filled our planet, it is with pleasure mixed with a little irony that we at SIIASI present this very concise but dense work on the basic research of repentance and guarding ones limbs from everything other than that which pleases Allah.

The Education of Humanity

The Sankore’ Institute is honored to present to the reader a book which clarifies in the most concise and eloquent manner the reality (haqiqah) of the last and final Messenger to mankind, Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdu’l-Muttalib ibn Hashim, (may Allah bless him as long as the east wind blows and to the number of created things). Many writers in the past have written about the sublime reality of this noble Messenger.  However, this book was written by one of Africa’s leading scholars and revolutionaries.  Thus, we can get a glimpse as to how the people of the Lands of the Blacks viewed their beloved Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

The Character Traits of the Chosen One

salawaat ala nabi2

The Akhlaaq’l-Mustafa (the Character Traits of the Chosen One) byShaykh Abdullahi ibn Fuduye` is an exposition upon the personality of the most perfect creature that ever existed, our master, Muhammad ibn Abdullahi, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The title of the text is taken from the singular phrase ‘khuluq’ with the letter laam inflected with the damma, which means – one’s personal way of life, nature, and natural disposition.

The Support of the Dedicated Worshipers 

This text, `Umdat’l-Muta`abideen wa’l-Muhtarifeen (The Support of the Dedicated Worshippers and Skilled Professionals) by Shehu Uthman ibn Fuduye`, may Allah engulf him in his mercy, is one of the most concise books composed dealing with the essential knowledge which is obligatory upon every responsible person to know and act upon. For the common Muslim who has not attained the station of scholar or student of knowledge, this text provides those necessary elements of the religion for which the servants will be questioned about on the Day of Judgment. For the student of knowledge, this text provides the sources from which the scholars derive their legal judgments: the Book and the Sunna.

The Hour of the Christians

On March 15, 1903 the armies of the Sokoto Caliphate were defeated at the hands of the British Imperialists. The Caliph (or ruler) of the Sokoto Caliphate at that time was Muhammad Attahiru, the twelfth ruler after Shehu Uthman Dan Fuduye’. After the ‘defeat’, Attahiru led a mass exodus (hijra) of his loyal supporters and officials on the famous ‘hijra to the east’, which had been foretold a century earlier by the founder of the Sokoto Caliphate, Shehu Uthman Dan Fuduye’. >>

Risaa’lat Li’l-Amraad

This book was originally a letter of advice written for the regional amirs and officials of the Sokoto Islamic Caliphate. I believe that it was composed during the first year of his rule in 1818, when many regions began to revolt from under his rule, and many of the veterans of early days of the consolidation of the kingdom were becoming disillusioned either through longing for the asceticism that was the custom of the past, or being preoccupied with the responsibilities gained from their victories. >>

312 thoughts on “Home

  1. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    سيدي العالم المحقق أبا ألفا عمر محمد شريف القادري
    سامحوني على سوء أدبي وتكرار مراسلتي.
    سيدي أنا أريد قراءة كتب الإمام العلامة عثمان بن فودي وجماعته عليكم،
    فهل تحددون موعدا لدراسة تلك الكتب؟

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
      شكرا سيدي موتمباي رجب لحسن ظنك بي، ولكنني لستُ بعالم محقق، في الحقيقة أنا متوسط بين العالم والعوام وإني الآن لا أدرّس من لا أعرف بطريق الهاتف أو الإنترنت، كنت أدرّس الناس بهذين طريقين، ولكن ليس بعد الآن، اعتقد إنهما سببان في قلة العلم النافعة وكثرة الجهل في هذا الزمان، إذا تريد إجلس معي في تعليم كتب الشيخ عثمان بن فودي فعليك باالرحلة إلىّ ، فأنا تحت أمرك حينئذ إن شاء الله تعالى

  2. Salam Muhammad Shareef,

    I don’t know if you remember me from maniacmuslim forums. I am unwell with what appears to be a tumor and request your duas. Please forgive me for any bad memories you may have of my younger days.

    I hope you are well and glad to see you active on siiasi. You can email me any guidance muslimology at gmail dot com.

    Your brother,

    Dawud Israel

    • wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma
      I remember you well. I ask Allah by all of His Names, those we know and those we do not know, those revealed on the tongue of His messengers, those recited on the tongue of His angels, those whispered on the tongues of Muslim jaan, and those secreted in the hearts of His closest awliyya; that He strengthen you with the mantle of patience and provide you with an all encompassing cure which brings health and well being to your body, tranquility to your spirit and contentment to your soul. Realize Sidi Dawud that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace as long as the east winds blow and shake the leaves and flowers in distant meadows once said: “A genuine believer is afflicted.” This is the reality of this life Sidi, none of us will escape the viscitudes of Allah’s decrees in this life. All we can do is surrender with gratitude as Ayyub did in the face of adversity and affliction. By the truth with which our master Muhammad came with, may every discomfort be an atonement for you and a means of purification.

  3. As Salamu ‘Alaikum

    what is your advice on asserting our rights via united nations human rights and indigenous sovereignty. The courts are rejecting to accept them. Also in regards to child welfare.

    • My opinion is no different from what al-Hajj Malik El Shabazz called for. I believe in everything that the OAAU stood for. And I followed closely the ideas of one of Malcolms closest disciples, the head of the OAAU chapter in Montreal Canada, my mentor and legal advisor, the late Dr. Yusef N. Kly (www.ihraam.org).
      The following works constitute the legal and political principles which lay at the foundation of al-Hajj Malik El Shabazz’s political philosophy:
      the Black Book: the True Political Philosophy of Malcolm X
      International Law and the US Black Minority
      The Anti-Social Contract
      The Invisible Wars
      The Black Book II
      You should visit http://www.ihraam.org and contact Dr. Farid Muhammad in Chicago. When our young son, little brother,,grandson, nephew was gunned down in Ferguson, I believed then and I believe now, that the parents of this boy should have taken their son’s case to the World Court, to show that this case is a part of a systemic manner of social control of the indigenous African American population; which is in violation of more than fifty UN resolutions on the just treatment of linguistic, ethnic, religious and cultural national minorities. Theses same resolutions have been the alledged cause that the United States has sometimes unilaterally violated the sovereignty of many nations around the world. How can the US enforce its will upon nations that it considers have violated international resolutions while it has violated the same statutes in a systemic manner for more than two centuries. No its high time our people in confederation with those who support us take our case before the World Court in a dignified and politically sophisticated manner.

      • As for child welfare, I believe that this should be a mandatory concern of every individual, family and nation. It is an obligation upon all segments of a society to take care of the welfare of the young and those unable to take care of themselves, such as our elders. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace said that two of the many signs of the End of Time is when humans are no longer compassionate to their young and no longer treat the elderly with respect and dignity.

      • …and let me go on record in saying that the moral right for self determination for the African American and African American Muslim national minorities in the US and the danger this poses to the status quo in the future, is the ONLY reason now Obama and his handlers are pushing for him to become the head of the United Nations. They want him there as ‘black face’ to argue against any need for nations to delve deep into the US’s domestic affairs. His ‘black’ presence alone as head of the United Nations and former president of the United States will make most nations pause on questioning the US’s commitment to human rights. Obama as head of the United Nations will convince African nations not to support a call by any segment of the African American national minority for internationally recognized and supported right of self determination. There, I said it here on siiasi, so when it happens, you will have to acknowledge that siiasi is a reliable source for information and opinion.

    • wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma

      Not yet Sidi, I am in the process of working on several text that I had scheduled to complete before I get to the Diya’ al-Uluum of the most learned scholar of the Black lands, Shaykh Abdullahi ibn Fuduye`. Admittedly, it is an incredible book that I am surprised why it is not widely known. One of the reasons I edited and annotated the text was first in order to let the Arabic speaking world see the profound level of thought attained by the founding fathers of the Sokoto Caliphate. I assume that you have a copy of the edited Arabic text. Thanks for reminding me to post it on the SIIASI site as well as academia.edu

  4. السلام عليكم ورحمة وبركاته
    أشكر الذين يعملون في هذا الموقع المفيد، وعلى رأسهم مولانا العالم المحقق الشيخ محمد شريف بن فريد على جهودهم الرائعة في خدمة تراث مولانا وسندنا وسيدنا الإمام عثمان فودي وأخيه ووزيره مولانا العلامة المتبحر عبد الله وأهل بيته الكرام
    وأطلب من سيدي الشيخ أبي ألفاعمر محمد شريف أن يجيزني إجازة عامة بكل أسانيده وبأسانيده المتصلة بالإمامين مولاي عثمان فوديو وأخيه عبد الله.
    وأنا الفقير إلى رحمة الله تعالى
    موتمباي رجب بن هارون مسامبا الزائيري الأشعري اعتقادا الشافعي مذهبا الرفاعي مشربا
    وأنا دكتور في اللغة العربية ومقيم في الآن في دولة الأردن

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ويزيدك في كلّ خيرٍ
      يا سيدي موتمباي رجب بن هارون مسامبا أهلا وسهلا
      لا شكر على واجبي، فجميع هذه المواقع موجٌ من أمواج السلطان الحاج أبي بكر بن محمد طاهر خليفة الشيخ عثمان بن فودي في السودان، فهو الذي أمرني بهذا، ولو لا هو لم يكن لي الهمة للقيام بما أمرني.
      أما مطالبتك مني لإجازتي والأجازات التي أخذتُ من شيوخي في أسانيد الشيخ عثمان بن فودي وعلماء جماعته، أنا لست أهلا لتعطيك أي شيء لأنّني لست فارس من هذا الشأن، بسبب جهلي وغفلتي وذنوبي، ومع ذلك هو من عادتي أن لا أجيز لأحد إلا لمن دخل تحت البيعة للسلطان خليفة الشيخ عثمان أو لمن قرأ إليّ الكتب أو سمع مني العلم مباشرا، ولكن لكل شيء الإستثناء، ولأنني مخيفا من قوله عليه السلام: ((من كتم حديثا فقد كتم ما أنزل الله تعالى))
      وقوله عليه السلام: ((من سئل عن العلم فكتمه فيلجمه الله باللجام من النار يوم القيامة
      ورغبة لبركة في قوله عليه السلام: بلغوا عني ولو الآية
      وقوله عليه السلام: فَإِن الشاهِدَ عَسَى أَن يُبَلغَ مَن هُوَ أَوعَى لَهُ مِنه
      لهذه الأسباب ولغيرها قد وافقت على الإجابة على طلبك المفيد، لذلك، أرسل لي رسالة بالبريد إلكتروني في siiasi@yandex.com، إن شاء الله سينظر ما نفعل،


      • أرسلت لكم رسالة في الإيميل يا مولانا الشيخ محمد شريف
        وجزاكم الله خيرا

        • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
          يا سيدي
          قد وصلت البريد الإلكتروني لديّ، وسيتم الرد عليك بعد حوالي ثلاثة أيام. لأنني مشغول بتصحيح الامتحانات هذا الأسبوع، نيتي أن أرسل إليك ما طلبت مني إن شاء الله تعالى..

  5. The most ignorant of people are those who are ignorant of their ignorance. It is called compounded ignorance. One sufi equated a scholar to a lion and an ignorant person to a donkey. He said that a scholar who conceals his knowledge is like a dressed in donkey attire. You never know he is a lion until he opens his mouth with an astounding roar. The ignorant man who conceals his ignorance is a donkey dressed as a lion. You never know he is a donkey until he opens his mouth with the abnoxious braying of a donkey. A scholar who reveals his knowledge is a lion dressed as a lion. He looks like a lion and when he opens his mouth, his roar can be heard beyond the horizon. An ignoramous who reveals his ignorance is a donkey dressed as a donkey. He looks like a donkey and when he opens his mouth, his braying can be heard beyond the horizon. We seek refuge from compounded ignorance (al-jahl li jahlihi)

  6. as-Saalamu’ Alaykum Wa Barakathu!


    What is the correct proceeding in making up prayers when such occasion occurs?

    Dhur salat

    … and the one praying sits on the second raka’ to perform the customary sayings… The one praying get’s lost in the whispers of Shaytaans arrows and will proceed to sit longer and carry on to perform the 2nd half of the sayings when sitting… Prior to the moment of taslim, the one praying remembers what rakah he remains in…

    Does the one praying and right before making taslim realizes his faults (in prayer) look at this like innovation and ends his prayer on the second rakah, what will cause him to perform another set of two rakahs on account for his forgetfulness and innovation? Or May he stand to continue in his 3rd rakah?

    Jazakarla Khair!

    • wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma
      I assume you are asking if there were any salawaat upon the Prophet that Shaykh Abd’l-Qaadir composed himself? There were a multitude. The best of them being his Salaat’l-Kubra, his Salaat’l-Wusta and his Salaat’l-Sugra. The Sugra was the one that he always sealed his awraad with. There is dispute about whether the Salaat’l-Faathi that the Tijaniyya are fond of was actually composed by Shaykh Abd’l-Qaadir. Some say it was composed by Shaykh al-Bakri. However, we know that it was not composed by Shaykh Ahmad Tijani.
      Sultan Muhammad Bello composed a text which combines all of the salawaat which Shaykh Abd’l-Qaadir composed. However this work is still in manuscript form and has not been published or translated. It is called Buduur ‘z-Zaahiriyya fee as-Salaasil ‘l-Qaadiriyya. In it are more than thirty different salawaat upon the prophet by Shaykh Abd’l-Qaadir including the three above listed ones.

        • None that I know of. I will check over at academia.edu and see if there are any scholars who have translated that work. One of the most miraculous works I know of is a commentary upon the Salat as-Sughra of Muhy’d-Deen Abd’l-Qaadir al-Jaylani by the Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Manut. It was published with other works and commentaries in a single volume called as-Safeenat’l-Qaadiriyya (The Qaadiriyya Mothership). Even how I came upon this text was miraculous. I was in Fez with Sidi Hamza Yusef, and we had just come back from visiting the grave of the wali Abd’l-Waahid ibn `Ashir the author of the famous al-Murshid al-Mu`in; where I recited the above mentioned as-salaat as-sughra ten times asking that Allah give the reward over to the spirit of Shaykh Ibn `Ashir. When Sidi Hamza and I completed our visiting of the awliyya, we decided to walk through narrow street markets of Fez visiting book stalls. We both stopped at one book seller not far from the Qarawayn masjid. The proprietor asked us if there was any particular work we were looking for; and I said: “Yes. anything by or about Shaykh Abd’l-Qaadir al-Jaylani.” The middles aged man turned and reached behind several dusty stakes of books and gave me a copy of the as-Safeena ‘l-Qaadiriyya; which contains the above mentioned commentary upon the as-salat as-sughra. Both I and Sidi Hamza turned and faced each other smiling, knowing that this was a sign that Allah ta`ala had accepted our visitation of one of His close friends. Since that time this text has been with me wherever I travel. The text is a genuine miracle from the miracles of the awliyya; literally and figuratively.
          You can get it here:
          and here:
          and here:

          The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, once said: “Knowledge is your prey and transcription is its trap. So, trap your knowledge by means of transcription.”

          Happy hunting!

  7. The Sharia court in Kano Nigeria has just condemned to death by hanging, a Tijani Shaykh, follower of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse, named Abdulaziz Dauda who claimed: “Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse is bigger than Prophet Muhammad…” In addition, he was accused of inciting violence. It is important that the people of tasawwuf know and understand that there is no human or spiritual being greater Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The foundation of tasawwuf is realization of the immense esteem that Allah ta`ala has of the Best of creation, and that if it were not for Muhammad, Allah would not have created creation. We seek refuge with Allah from error in the Spiritual Path.

  8. As-Saalamu’ Alaykum Wa Barakathu!

    Living in a technocratic age such as this one, and social media being the means to mass communication, and millions of images and sounds being conveyed per second. And the Millions of Muslims utilizing these networks for their own personal/business/and social means or purposes. There are some who make strenuous effort to maintain proper edab (manners) in how they display themselves on social media sites, and there are some who are less concerned with manners altogether.

    When the matter comes to a Muslim man and Woman whom desire to marry each other, except the distance between them becomes unbearable except by means through bus, plane, or any modern form a transportation. Death in the family, lack of finances, natural disasters, etc. Assembling the traditional courting becomes difficult for the two potential newlyweds in this age.

    With the manipulation of web cams now we the people have the ability to view live images of each other using this technology like one intermediary between the two.
    Traditionally the man and woman who desire to marry in al-Islam will sit down, accompanied by their respective guardians (wale).

    QUESTION: Could this same procession be conducted using these modern day technological gadgets?

    (The Man and woman speaking and conducting marriage business, with guardians presented in the background?)

    (Or for divorced, widowed, and non-virgin men and women?)

    Jazakarla Khair!

    • wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma
      One of the problems with the world wide web is that it gives people the illusion of nearness and the collapse of distance. It is a virtual reality which gives rise to the questions you raised. One of the reasons that I no longer give ijaazas via the internet is because of the illusions online communications create. When it comes to matrimony and divorce, I would highly recommend that you remove the internet from between your social transactions (mu`amilaat); simply because consummation (that is to say, direct physical contact) is the basis for the legtimacy of Islamic marriage and thus the prerequisite for subsequent transactions such as divorce, etc. When it comes to Islamic social transactions; the internet should be seen for what it actually is; a means for COMMUNICATION; and not a means of legitimizing social transactions such as marriage, divorce etc…and Allah knows best.

  9. Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raaji`uun
    It is unfortunate that an Ohio court aquitted the police who murdered twelve year old Tamir Rice for playing with a toy gun. It is time that African Americans present cases such as these before the World Court in order to get the international community to finally address the slow genocide taking place in the US by police against young African American boys and men.

    • Only issue there would be the fact that the United States of America will not bow to a foreign government. I try to keep an open mind but you disappoint me. One would think that if you are representing an organization trying to keep a positive reputation, you would know the United States Constitution front to back and realize that due to the Constitution we will not be governed by a foreign body such as the world court. The world courts rulings do not apply to United States citizens as you may want to believe. You practice Islam in America due to your faith (I give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not doing it simply for attention during these times of increased friction between the US and the members of Islam whom take the Koran as some extremist view and pervert its words into some sick justification of genocide) your faith is also protected by the same Constitution not holding me accountable to a tyrannical world court, allowing me to type this very message, and protect myself with my right to bear arms. So please think before you type as it takes many good men and women to build a positive view of a religion and only one fool to deconstruct all that has been built. If you are a peaceful Islamic follower I applaude you for understanding the peaceful nature of your religion and not being brain washed by the radical Islamic extremists in the Middle East.

      • Dan, perhaps you should re-read the
        ‘The United Nations INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS’ over again because without doubt America’s signature is mentioned in the covenant and ratified here in the United States.

        The ‘world court’ rulings most certainty do apply here in the United States, believe it or not. What’s your reason to your problem with this organization developing just and legal cases to present in front of the international courts? After all you mentioned above in your own words,

        “your faith is also protected by the same Constitution”

        In this manner this organization attains every right to go in front of a world court according to the ‘constitutional’ RIGHT granted to all religions.

        So Dan where has This Shaykh errored? Because he speaks truth here. Do you deny the rights granted to Muslims here in America? Or perhaps you hate the fact that these rights are indeed granted?

      • The US Constitution clearly stipulates that all international treaties which the government signs and radifies is subsequently a part of US constitutional law; and is therefore binding upon the government to adhere to. Thus, Muslims in the US are protected by every United Nations resolution which the US has recognized, signed and radified. As for as violent extremism in Islam, that phenomenon was concieved, financed, trained and deployed by the US government. Violent Muslim extremism is the by product of US foreign policy and actually helps to advance far right Christian and zionist interest in the west. More importantly, violent Muslim extremism, has been an indirect partner with the securities/weapons industry in the west since the mid eightees.

        • You are correct in saying that the US will not bow down to international law; which is what is expected and desired. However, the US WILL bow down to the Will of God! The purpose is not to get the US to bow before the World Court. The purpose is to get a ruling regarding international law regarding the violation of the human rights of African American national minorities for the pass four centuries. Once international law establishes the legal precedence; it is upon the African American national minorities to follow every means which the UN, the US’s Declaration of Independence and the sharia provide them with in their quest for self determination. The sharia provides them with the right and duty to alter their oppressive circumstance by means of their hands, (arm struggle), their tongue (speaking truth to power) or when tyranny is too great, with their hearts (sincere supplication and imploring of the Lord of the worlds). Taking their case before the World Court is not in order to get the US to bow before international opinion; but to create a precedence which grants the African American national minority, the legal right for self determination with ALL THAT IT MEANS!

    • Our Imam, the Laughing Lion al-Hajj Malik El Shabazz used to always advise his auience to read between the lines in the news. The ability to read between the lines and to extract the real story or news from between the lines and statements of the false news is an ability which every revolutionary activist MUST learn and acquire. Always read the financial news because the political class is now subjected to the banking class; and thus every future political policy follows the money, monetary policies and commerce interest of the banking class.
      Several news outlets that I enjoy seeing, listening to and reading are: presstv, democracynow, realnews network, pacifica radio, russian news english, dissident voice and most news outlets connected with these. Like you I avoid the major news outlets, except when I want to understand the latest psychological operations the west seeks to indoctrinate the masses with and policies which western governments desire to get their subjects manufactured consent.
      Other than that, like, you, I pay no attention to mainstream news outlets.

  10. As-Saalam alaykum wa barakathu,

    Shehu Uthman: Tanbeehu’L-Umma

    Section 4: (Following the 54th footnote)

    Related next to ad-Daaraqunti in his Sunnan on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ali, (May Allah be pleased with him) who said:

    “Our Mahdi will have two signs which has not appeared from the time Allah created the heavens and earth. They are that the moon will be eclipsed the first night of Ramadan and the sun will be eclipsed during the middle night of Ramadan. This has not occurred from the time Allah created the heavens and earth.”


    How does one genuinely see the new moon eclipsed, what moment it’s sighting for Ramadan be difficult altogether?

    How does one look for the suns eclipse during the middle of the night?


    • Because the signs of the End of time comprise of the breaking of normative laws (kharaq al-`aadaat), I cannot explain how these eclipses will occur except to say that they will not be normal or ordinary occurences. As the hadith mentions that these eclipses have not occured prior in time simply because they are normative scientific impossibilities. This is the same with the descent of Jesus the son of Mary; the raising up of the Quran from the earth; the appearance of the she camel of Saalih which will speak to people; the rising of the sun from the west. etc. All of these are scientific impossibilities which must occur in order to demonstrate that Allah ta`ala does whatever He wills and is in full control of creation. The miracles of the End of time are necessary in order for humanity to know that Allah will destroy the cosmos as we know it and bring in a new creation for the Day of Judgment, and bring forth Hell and Paradise and all the other realities of the Next Life.

  11. Safar 1437
    in the name Allah al Hakeem


    Allah tabaraka wa ta’ala says

    in Surah al-Jumu’ah: (10)

    ‘and seek from the bounty of Allah, and remember Allah often that you may succeed.’

    In the Tariq’l-Jannah written by Shehu Uthman (May Allah bless him with what be deserving) in the Chapter titled,

    ‘The four Barriers Which Preoccupy One from Worship of Allah and the Four Traits Which Suffice Them’

    Taking the First Barrier (at-Tawakkil) I go to the fourth paragraph Where the Shehu Imposes one possible question and gives the answer:

    ‘If you were to say: This means of subsistence which has been guaranteed has causative factors. Is it necessary for us to seek after the causative factors of the means of subsistence?

    He responded to his own question:

    ‘Verily Allah ta’ala has ‘guaranteed’ for us our means of subsistence without the ‘precondition’ of our seeking after it or earning it. It has been clarified to you that ‘seeking’ after means of subsistence and its causative factors is ‘not’ a necessary


    How does seeking after the means of subsistence impose me to not possess any preconditions towards my seeking, nor be my seeking necessary altogether like the Shehu says above, concurrent with Allah’s instructing me to ‘SEEK’ from his very ‘bounties?’


    Would you please give one deeper explanation from the phrase ‘means of subsistence’ ?

    Jazakarla Khair

    • When the Shehu, may Allah engulf him in his mercy, says: “‘Verily Allah ta’ala has ‘guaranteed’ for us our means of subsistence without the ‘precondition’ of our seeking after it or earning it. It has been clarified to you that ‘seeking’ after means of subsistence and its causative factors is ‘not’ a necessary
      It means that everything you eat, drink, wear, ride or own has already been decreed for you and written for you in a clear book. It does not matter whether you actively seek after it or passively seek after it; it will reach you because it is your rizq which Allah provided for you before you were born. You therefore have to be careful how you go after it. It is your inner state which Allah ta`ala looks at. Are you frustrated, apprehensive, and anxious over something that has already been decreed for you? If so then your frustration, apprehension and anxiety is not with your rizq (which was written for you); but with One who provided it. Therefore, your attitude regarding your provision has to be the same as your attitude towards Allah ta`ala. Be content with Allah, be patient with Him and do not remonstrate with Allah over something that will defintely reach you.
      It is for this reason that the mutawakkilun (the masters of reliance upon Allah); do not seek after their provision because they know that it will reach them how and when Allah ta`ala decress it. Allah ta`ala says about the mutawakkilun, “niether fear or sadness afflict them”, because their hopes are not in the daily provision, wealth, food, drink, clothing or dwellings that have been decreed for them. Their hopes are in the One who provides provision. Their spiritual states are always between two: either patience (sabr) with constricted and limited provisions; or gratitude (shukr) for expansive and abundant provision. In either case they have garnered what it is they realy desire which is the love of the Beloved. Allah ta`ala says: “verily He loves those who are patient”; and again He says: “verily Allah loves those who are grateful.”
      There are however, matters which may hold back your provision, wealth and abundance, which has been decreed for you. The Shehu, as well as Shaykh Abdullahi in their prose and poetry, have cited that among the things that constrict wealth and prevent what has been decreed from reaching you are: [1] being persistent in sin; [2] remaining in a state of major impurities (janaaba) for no reason; [3] eating while in a state of major impurities (janaaba); [4] sleeping between the times fajr prayer and sunrise; or [5] postponing performing the prayer on time without a valid reason. These four matters (and there are others) which actually delimit your provision and holds it back from reaching you.

      I pray that I have answered your question.

      • as-Saalamu Alaykum Wa Barakatu

        Jazakarla Khair, such profound explanation. Living in such one capitalistic society where you grow up generation after generation being told that the man must work, and be a provider. And then reading something like this where the spiritual master of this family (ja’maah) say’s on the contrary. And even bolder saying seeking after imposes no necessity. How does a young black male like myself and other young black males like my self encompass such words. I hope you could understand this understanding living in such a time. Most women won’t even marry a brother without means to support, and even Allah orders the man to feed her etc.

        This much have been extreme ‘inner’ states to just not seek something and the something will come. Quite astonishing. May Allah grant me the understanding to this understanding and all those who seek to understand such divine science…


        • It does not matter if you are African American or Chinese American, as a husband and father, you are obligated to provide for your family. Shaykh Abd’l-Qaadir al-Jaylani said if the family is poor which means that you live from pay check to paycheck; then both the man and woman are obligated to earn a living. This obligation to earn a living does not contradict the obligation to be in a state of reliance upon Allah. It is reliance upon Allah which keeps the parents from earning wealth which is prohibited or reprehensible. It is reliance upon Allah that keeps the parents from becoming consumer slaves, wage slaves and slaves of the market place. In reliance upon Allah, is the Golden Mean, designed to bring about balance in a person’s inner state. The outward states of poverty and riches are equal for believer or non believer. The difference between the outward state of poverty and riches is the inner state which these conditions produce. The non believers atate during poverty is impatience, frustration, greed, anger, envy and other qualities which induce him/her to break the laws of Islam in seeking after provision. The non believers inner state during riches is arrogance, covetousness, greed, stinginess and other qualities wich induce him/her to break the laws of Islam in order to maintain and increase wealth. For the believer his/her inner state during poverty is patience and leaving the matter over to Allah; while their inner state during riches is gratitude, contentment and generosity. It is the inner state which determines the quality of a person’s life. Poverty and riches can both be detrimental or advantageous based upon the inner state of the person.

          • Ma’ShaAllah ta’ala Abu Alpha! Like light upon my heart, truly strengthening words. To be al-Mutawaakil truly trials the man and shapens him in these days. For better or worse. Such wisdom here. May Allah bless this Ja’Maaah


      • As salaamu alaykum My Dear Respected Teacher and Brother in Islam.

        May Allah s.w.t. keep and preserve you on His sacred path. I visit this site often to benefit from the precious knowledge that’s posted here. I am not a student of the Shehu or am I from any particular tariqah but my heart is always drown to Dear Sheikh and others who present your work and Sheikh Uthman Dan Fodio’s work. I am an African American sister who is currently residing in West Africa for close to five years and on Hijrah for almost seven. I am a Registered Nurse with ER and Trauma background and a certified ESL instructor in Mauritania.

        My dearest Sheikh could it be possible that PROVISIONS are referring to what ALLAH s.w..t has placed on EARTH as a means of sustenance for mankind and is now referred to NATURAL SUSTENANCE. Something that was the norm in the time of the SHEHU. Could it be that we as a people have left the PROVISIONS of ALLAH and we are chasing the MODERN ADVANCES PUT FORTH BY shaytaan. Allah’s provisions for human kind has been mapped out in the Quran, such as FOOD, DRINK, HOUSING, etc…We have water provided by springs, wells, and rain which is highly oxygenated with many minerals. We have food that is brought fourth from the EARTH and this food is LIVE oxygenated food with nutrients and minerals. We have other beneficial drinks like MILK that is secreted between flesh and blood and has a host of probiotics to rid the gut of parasites etc. We have meat that is provided from countless animals and eggs, cheese, butter. We have plants, herbs, spices all of which come from the earth. All and much more has been provided without ANY CHARGE from our LORD. We have abandon these remarkable provisions for DEAD NON-OXYGENATED PROCESSED REFINED substance called FOOD. I believe if we return back to the ADAMIC nature of mankind and take that which Allah has provided for us and stop following the KHUTUWAATUL SHAYTAAN we will reap His many bounties. Brothers will be able to sustain not just a FAMILY but up to 4 families and this will elevate the problem of surplus women, along with them many DEBILITATING DISEASES THAT TRIBE IN THE ABSENCE OF OXYGEN. I believe if we look at the PROVISION OF ALLAH it not only preserves HUMAN LIFE it is ECO FRIENDLY AND PRESERVES THE ENVIRONMENT. Our predecessors did not measure wealth by SLAVE WAGES, HOURS AND JOBS, but rather by the resources one had obtained from natural sources placed on this earth by Allah s.w.t. THE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT THE KENYAN MAN WHO OFFERED PRESIDENT OBAMA OVER 100 GOATS OR LAMBS FOR HIS DAUGHTER, but in days gone by this would have been considered the GIFT OF THE RICH along with GOLD and SILVER which has been systematically robbed from mankind and replaced with a bogus fictitious paper that deliberately inflates and deflates at will . I am having a hard time understanding how we separate our external being with our internal being and how we equate wealth as being something created in a PLANT rather than COMING FROM A PLANT. Truly depending and relying on the SUBSTANCE of ALLAH. I am blessed to say that my 29 year old daughter and I have successfully left all unnatural substances from food, drink, personal products etc…for all natural and we make most of our needs and wants by hand. I will close with these few verses and I ask you my dear Sheikh to please pray for my family and I we are trying to dedicate our lives to reviving the best LIFE EVER…The LIFE OF QURAN AND SUNNAH.

        Allah s.w.t. shows us in this verse what REAL WEALTH IS but some how we’ve been duped into believing they are MANUFACTURED MATERIAL THAT HAVE LITTLE BENEFIT AND A GREAT DEAL OF HARM:

        Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) – 3:14 [read in context]
        زُيِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ حُبُّ الشَّهَوَاتِ مِنَ النِّسَاء وَالْبَنِينَ وَالْقَنَاطِيرِ الْمُقَنطَرَةِ مِنَ الذَّهَبِ وَالْفِضَّةِ وَالْخَيْلِ الْمُسَوَّمَةِ وَالأَنْعَامِ وَالْحَرْثِ ذَلِكَ مَتَاعُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَاللّهُ عِندَهُ حُسْنُ الْمَآبِ (3:14)
        ALLURING unto man is the enjoyment of worldly desires through women, and children, and heaped-up treasures of GOLD and silver, and horses of high mark, and cattle, and lands. All this may be enjoyed in the life of this world – but the most beauteous of all goals is with God. – 3:14

        يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ أَنفِقُواْ مِن طَيِّبَاتِ مَا كَسَبْتُمْ وَمِمَّا أَخْرَجْنَا لَكُم مِّنَ الأَرْضِ وَلاَ تَيَمَّمُواْ الْخَبِيثَ مِنْهُ تُنفِقُونَ وَلَسْتُم بِآخِذِيهِ إِلاَّ أَن تُغْمِضُواْ فِيهِ وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّ اللّهَ غَنِيٌّ حَمِيدٌ (2:267)
        O you who have attained to faith! Spend on others out of the good things which you may have acquired, and out of that which We bring forth for you from the earth; and choose not for your spending the bad things which you yourselves would not accept without averting your eyes in disdain. And know that God is self-sufficient, ever to be praised. – 2:267

        الشَّيْطَانُ يَعِدُكُمُ الْفَقْرَ وَيَأْمُرُكُم بِالْفَحْشَاء وَاللّهُ يَعِدُكُم مَّغْفِرَةً مِّنْهُ وَفَضْلاً وَاللّهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ (2:268)
        Satan threatens you with the prospect of poverty and bids you to be niggardly, whereas God promises you His forgiveness and bounty; and God is infinite, all-knowing, – 2:268

        An-Nisa (The Women) – 4:23 [read in context]
        حُرِّمَتْ عَلَيْكُمْ أُمَّهَاتُكُمْ وَبَنَاتُكُمْ وَأَخَوَاتُكُمْ وَعَمَّاتُكُمْ وَخَالاَتُكُمْ وَبَنَاتُ الأَخِ وَبَنَاتُ الأُخْتِ وَأُمَّهَاتُكُمُ اللاَّتِي أَرْضَعْنَكُمْ وَأَخَوَاتُكُم مِّنَ الرَّضَاعَةِ وَأُمَّهَاتُ نِسَآئِكُمْ وَرَبَائِبُكُمُ اللاَّتِي فِي حُجُورِكُم مِّن نِّسَآئِكُمُ اللاَّتِي دَخَلْتُم بِهِنَّ فَإِن لَّمْ تَكُونُواْ دَخَلْتُم بِهِنَّ فَلاَ جُنَاحَ عَلَيْكُمْ وَحَلاَئِلُ أَبْنَائِكُمُ الَّذِينَ مِنْ أَصْلاَبِكُمْ وَأَن تَجْمَعُواْ بَيْنَ الأُخْتَيْنِ إَلاَّ مَا قَدْ سَلَفَ إِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا (4:23)
        Forbidden to you are your mothers, and your daughters, and your sisters, and your aunts paternal and maternal, and a brother’s daughters, and a sister’s daughters; and your MILK-mothers, and your MILK-sisters; and the mothers of your wives; and your step-daughters – who are your foster children – born of your wives with whom you have consummated your marriage; but if you have not consummated your marriage, you will incur no sin [by marrying their daughters]; and [forbidden to you are] the spouses of the sons who have sprung from your loins; and [you are forbidden] to have two sisters [as your wives] at one and the same time – but what is past is past: [25] for, behold, God is indeed much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace. – 4:23

        وَإِنَّ لَكُمْ فِي الأَنْعَامِ لَعِبْرَةً نُّسْقِيكُم مِّمَّا فِي بُطُونِهِ مِن بَيْنِ فَرْثٍ وَدَمٍ لَّبَنًا خَالِصًا سَآئِغًا لِلشَّارِبِينَ (16:66)
        And, behold, in the cattle [too] there is indeed a lesson for you: We give you to drink of that [fluid] which is [secreted from] within their bellies between that which is to be eliminated [from the animal’s body] and [its] life-blood: MILK pure and pleasant to those who drink it. [75] – 16:66

        وَإِنَّ لَكُمْ فِي الْأَنْعَامِ لَعِبْرَةً نُّسقِيكُم مِّمَّا فِي بُطُونِهَا وَلَكُمْ فِيهَا مَنَافِعُ كَثِيرَةٌ وَمِنْهَا تَأْكُلُونَ (23:21)
        And, behold, in the cattle [too] there is indeed a lesson for you: We give you to drink of that [MILK] which is within their bellies; and you derive many [other] uses from them: for, you eat of their flesh, [9] – 23:21

        with love and prayers to all,
        Hajjah Karimah
        West Africa, Mauritania.

          • wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma
            Sayyidat Hajja Karimah
            May Allah ta`ala continue to guide you and keep you under rahmatihi. Is it possible to retype the above lesson so that we at SIIASI can repost it in the Diasporan sector of the site. In my humble opinion your stay in Africa can not be considered a hijrah, but an iyaab (turning) and a rujuu` (returning). As diasporan African Muslims we have to maintain a deep spiritual relationship with African and its people. The same way that the Chinese and the Indians now view the collective development of their people, diasporan Africans have to view the spiritual development of Africa. The more people like you who began to radiate their inward and outward prayers for the benefit of the African spirit and people; the more pronounced will be the transformation of this vast continent.
            With your permission the SIIASI would like to post your ideas.
            Thanks for the words of wisdom.

        • Ameen wa barakallahu feeka wa feekum:

          I apologize for the late reply I’ve been very busy but inshallah I will edit this post today and email it to you or re-post it here. By Allah s.w.t. in whose hands is my entire being, I write for His pleasure only. All the truth, knowledge and guidance is from Him alone and the errors are due to my own imperfections. I wish that AFRICA could recognize your Humble opinion that is CLEAR TRUTH and cut out all the BUREAUCRACY of VISAS, RESIDENCY etc. and recognize that ALLAH has opened a way for the offspring’s of AFRICA to return to their homeland with a wealth of knowledge and love. May you and your family continue to remain in the protection and light of ALLAH s.w.t. and guidance of His Beloved Messenger s.a.a.w.s. Hajjah Karimah!

          • My Dearest Sheikh Muhammad Shareef:
            Here is the Edited version of the post I posted in SIIASI. You are welcome to share any post you find of benefit on the site or email it out, I pray it will be a benefit to others. Please give me any advice you think will benefit my family and I on this journey. With much love and prayers for you and all the believers! If there are anymore errors that I’ve missed or any changes you recommend please feel free to correct or change them.

            As salaamu alaykum My Dear Respected Teacher and Brother in Islam Sheikh Muhammad Shareef!

            May Allah s.w.t. keep and preserve you on His sacred path. I visit this site often to benefit from the precious knowledge that’s posted here. I am not a student of the Shehu nor am I from any particular Tariqah but my heart is always drown to you Dear Sheikh and others who present your work and Sheikh Uthman Dan Fodio’s work (rahmatullah alayhim). I am an African American sister who is currently residing in West Africa,, Mauritania for close to five years and on Hijrah for almost seven. I am a Registered Nurse with ER and Trauma background and a certified ESL instructor in Mauritania. My heart and mind has been driven away from conventional medicine for the past eight years so I began the quest of seeking true Holistic knowledge of health and sickness via Quran and Sunnah

            My dearest Sheikh could it be possible that PROVISIONS are referring to what ALLAH s.w..t has placed on EARTH as a means of sustenance for mankind and is now referred to as Natural or Holistic? Something that was the norm in the time of the SHEHU, so when they referred to provision or advised on seeking it they were referring to natural resources that have been placed in abundance on earth. PAPER/MONOPOLY money did not exist neither did supermarkets so there weren’t any processed food . Could it be that we as a people have left the PROVISIONS of ALLAH and we are chasing the MODERN ADVANCES PUT FORTH BY shaytaan /khutawaatu shaytaan/and this has impoverished the vast majority of mankind?
            يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ أَنفِقُواْ مِن طَيِّبَاتِ مَا كَسَبْتُمْ وَمِمَّا أَخْرَجْنَا لَكُم مِّنَ الأَرْضِ وَلاَ تَيَمَّمُواْ الْخَبِيثَ مِنْهُ تُنفِقُونَ وَلَسْتُم بِآخِذِيهِ إِلاَّ أَن تُغْمِضُواْ فِيهِ وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّ اللّهَ غَنِيٌّ حَمِيدٌ (2:267)
            O you who have attained to faith! Spend on others out of the good things which you may have acquired, and out of that which We bring forth for you from the earth; and choose not for your spending the bad things which you yourselves would not accept without averting your eyes in disdain. And know that God is self-sufficient, ever to be praised. –
            ” Al-Baqara:
            الشَّيْطَانُ يَعِدُكُمُ الْفَقْرَ وَيَأْمُرُكُم بِالْفَحْشَاء وَاللّهُ يَعِدُكُم مَّغْفِرَةً مِّنْهُ وَفَضْلاً وَاللّهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ (2:268)Satan threatens you with the prospect of poverty and bids you to be niggardly, whereas God promises you His forgiveness and bounty; and God is infinite, all-knowing, – 2:268

            Allah’s provisions for human kind has been mapped out in the Quran, such as FOOD, DRINK, HOUSING, CLOTHING etc… Our water is flowing in ABUNDANCE with Oxygen, Minerals and Vitamins but we’ve chosen bottled CHLORINE and FLUORIDE filtered water with a BOGUS spring water label on it or alkalizing water machines, all of which have carcinogenic properties that can harm us, over the bounty of Allah. No monthly water bill just physical exertion to obtain this essential substance that the body is in desperate need of, both WATER and PHYSICAL EXERTION. I met a 72 year old Indonesian man in the mountains of Jakarta who had the physique of a 30 year old athletic man, all due to natural living and eating in the mountains, he took his sugar from the CANE which was growing in his yard and he said would never use that WHITE poison (sugar) that was circulating through his country disabling his people. We have food that is brought fourth from the EARTH and this food is LIVE oxygenated food with nutrients and minerals. Food that is essential for the body to function. Diseases such as Diabetes, Heart disease, Thyroid conditions, Hypertension and CANCER all thrive in a harsh imbalance system that is deprived of OXYGEN. Allah is our MASTER and CREATOR He knows what the body, organs, tissues, and cells need to regenerate and rejuvenate themselves, so how important is oxygen to MANKIND? Well water is made up Hydrogen and Oxygen, the air is 21 % Oxygen and all food that comes from the earth is full of oxygen and once the oxygen is completed depleted from the food, THE FOOD SPOILS, meaning it DIES. Mashallah wa tabarakallah this is the same phenomenon that occurs in human life, so when or LORD says that he brings down the rain and cracks open the earth and brings forth various kinds of foods and in this is the SIGN FOR THOSE WHO REFLECT, I believe we are suppose to learn something from this process but unfortunately we can’t learn anything because our food is MADE IN PLANTS and not FROM PLANTS.

            أَفَرَأَيْتُمُ الْمَاء الَّذِي تَشْرَبُونَ (56:68)
            Have you ever considered the water which you drink? – 56:68
            Al-Waqi’a (The Event) – 56:69 [read in context]
            أَأَنتُمْ أَنزَلْتُمُوهُ مِنَ الْمُزْنِ أَمْ نَحْنُ الْمُنزِلُونَ (56:69)
            Is it you who cause it to come down from the clouds – or are We the cause of its coming down? – 56:69

            “We sent down water from the sky, blessed water whereby We caused to grow gardens, grains for harvest, tall palm-trees with their spathes, piled one above the other – sustenance for (Our) servants. Therewith We gave (new) life to a dead land. So will be the emergence (from the tombs).” [Quran 50:9-11

            And (what means): “We sent down water from the sky in measure and lodged it in the ground. And We certainly are able to withdraw it. Therewith for you We gave rise to gardens of palm-trees and vineyards where for you are abundant fruits and of them you eat.” [Quran 23: 18-19]

            “(Allaah) is the One Who sends forth the winds like heralds of His Mercy. When they have carried the heavy-laden clouds, We drive them to a dead land. Then We cause water to descend and thereby bring forth fruits of every kind. Thus We will bring forth the dead. Maybe you will remember.” [Quran 7:57]

            We have other beneficial drinks like MILK that is secreted between flesh and blood and has a host of pro-biotics not ANTI BIOTICS. We want to eat food that assist our antibodies not destroy and disable them. Probiotics enter the body via various foods, Milk and drinks to rid the body and gut of parasites by boosting your immunity and enabling your antibodies to fight the invaders. Allah s.w.t. defines in His glorious Kitab on what is PURE MILK:

            وَإِنَّ لَكُمْ فِي الأَنْعَامِ لَعِبْرَةً نُّسْقِيكُم مِّمَّا فِي بُطُونِهِ مِن بَيْنِ فَرْثٍ وَدَمٍ لَّبَنًا خَالِصًا سَآئِغًا لِلشَّارِبِينَ (16:66)
            And, behold, in the cattle [too] there is indeed a lesson for you: We give you to drink of that [fluid] which is [secreted from] within their bellies between that which is to be eliminated [from the animal’s body] and [its] life-blood: MILK pure and pleasant to those who drink it. [75] – 16:66

            وَإِنَّ لَكُمْ فِي الْأَنْعَامِ لَعِبْرَةً نُّسقِيكُم مِّمَّا فِي بُطُونِهَا وَلَكُمْ فِيهَا مَنَافِعُ كَثِيرَةٌ وَمِنْهَا تَأْكُلُونَ (23:21)
            And, behold, in the cattle [too] there is indeed a lesson for you: We give you to drink of that [MILK] which is within their bellies; and you derive many [other] uses from them: for, you eat of their flesh, [9] – 23:21

            We have meat that is provided from countless animals along with dairy such as, eggs, cheese, butter, yogurt and cream. We have plants, herbs, spices all of which come from the earth and all of which have been provided without ANY CHARGE from our LORD.

            We have abandoned these remarkable provisions for DEAD NON-OXYGENATED PROCESSED REFINED substances called FOOD. Diseases, fungus, cancer and other debilitating illnesses grow in the absence of Oxygen. Our dietary habits breed a non oxygenated environment from the food we eat to the things we drink along with our modern sedentary lifestyle. We are eating dead rotten food that has been made to appear fresh and alive via preservatives. Whether this has been done by design or by accident we are suffering greatly do to our co-dependency on modernity and our abandonment of the provisions of Allah. I believe if we return back to the ADAMIC nature of mankind and take that which Allah has provided for us and stop following the KHUTUWAATUL SHAYTAAN we will reap the many benefits of Allah. Brothers will be able to sustain not just a FAMILY but up to four families and this will elevate the problem of surplus women, along with the many DEBILITATING DISEASES THAT TRIVE IN THE ABSENCE OF OXYGEN. If we look at the PROVISIONS OF ALLAH, they don’t only preserves HUMAN LIFE they PRESERVE THE ENVIRONMENT as a whole. Our predecessors did not measure wealth by SLAVE WAGES, HOURS AND JOBS, but rather by the resources one had obtained from natural sources placed on this earth by Allah s.w.t. We have been systematically robbed of all our wealth especially GOLD and SILVER which has been replaced with a bogus fictitious paper that deliberately inflates and deflates at will. Most of us do not know what real money is therefore we don’t know that the paper we use everyday for financial transactions is not MONEY, just an invalid promissory note that holds no weight today. I am having a hard time understanding how we separate our external being with our internal being and how we equate wealth as being something created in a PLANT rather than COMING FROM A PLANT.

            I am trying with all my being to depend solely on the PROVISION OF ALLAH. We are planning to perchance some LAND inshallah and DRILL a well for our oxygenated water. We will cultivate the land to grow fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices, and we will have livestock for our pure milk. I also plan to start a bee hive so that I can get pure unadulterated HONEY. I ask you my dear Sheikh to please pray for my family and I we are trying to dedicate our lives to reviving the best LIFE EVER…The LIFE OF QURAN AND SUNNAH.

            with love and prayers to all,
            Hajjah Karimah Rashid
            Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
            West Africa, Mauritania.

          • I was able to copy and paste your edited work onto a word file. Now, I was wandering if you had an appropriate title for this article. Several came to mind, but this is yours and the title traditionally must contain in a few words and sometimes one; the essence and secret of the text. Only the original author can come up with that. Think about it and get back at me. Once I get a title I will make the document into a pdf file and have it posted in the Diaspora section of the site.

      • Rabbi’l-Thani (1437)

        as-Saalamu Alaykum Wa Barakatu!

        Yaaa ABU ALPHA! Please excuse mine asking again pertaining to this subject, however I find myself still in one loophole in understanding this understanding. And may Allah grant me pure tawfeek in this field.

        You say (pertaining to the means of subsistence)

        ‘It means that everything you eat, drink, wear, ride or own has already been decreed for you and written for you in a clear book. It does not matter whether you actively seek after it or passively seek after it; it will reach you because it is your rizq which Allah provided for you before you were born. ‘

        You mention about the attitude or the inner state must be concurrent with the outer state in terms of Allah and receiving one’s provision.

        ‘your attitude regarding your provision has to be the same as your attitude towards Allah ta`ala.’

        You made reference to the masters of reliance on Allah (mutawakilun)

        ‘the mutawakkilun (the masters of reliance upon Allah); do not seek after their provision because they know that it will reach them how and when Allah ta`ala decress it. Allah ta`ala says about the mutawakkilun, “niether fear or sadness afflict them”, because their hopes are not in the daily provision, wealth, food, drink, clothing or dwellings that have been decreed for them. Their hopes are in the One who provides provision.’

        My understanding of the word ‘seek’ means to look, find, or search for… involving some individual EFFORT. You say on the contrary, these masters ‘DO NOT SEEK AFTER THEIR PROVISON.’

        You say further below regarding the married man and his providing for his family.

        ‘you are obligated to provide for your family’


        How does one who ‘never seeks after’ something become one whom also ‘provides?’

        Does this master attain the ability to literally sit in form and still attain (food, ride, water, etc?) without his actual seeking?


        What about the soul who strives daily to seek after provisions with hala means and yet still receives barley enough to survive alone. Let alone take on the responsibility to marry?

        Perhaps the man will be single for the rest of his life?


        Be there some form of thikr that the masters use to be constant in that allowed them to literally ‘not seek’ and yet still receive?

        Excuse me, supposing I may sound insensible, because I truly desire to understand this whole science altogether. And may I add that I agree with the race not being the major factor and the inner state has a lot to do with the resulting.

        However there’s no mystery to the injustices imposed upon my people (African American YOUTH). There’s much destitution and poverty in the inner cities and the African American community appear to bear the weight and class holding every low statistic in terms of ‘human progression.’ What be the means to this systematic mass incarceration of young black youth, and now today one free open hunting season on young black men.

        How does one truly practice at-Tawaakil living in one unbalanced society? Even when the man strives with his soul to be patient, righteous, and inclined to the straight path?

        Does this man go work for the very people who constantly demonize him, and perhaps he has to readjust his outer appearance to get that job at Wal-Mart or to be a security guard?

        Jazakarla Khair!

        • I wish I could post it, but I cant. It is a picture; a cartoon in fact composed by Gerald 2x, one time political cartoonist and social critique of the widely read Muhammad Speaks newspaper; originally established by al-Hajj Malik El Shabazz. The cartoon was in two captions. One had a blackman crying on his knees in wornout clothing. He was looking into the heavens with his hands raised with fingers clasped titly in sincere supplication. His prayer was: “O God please provide me with food clothing and shelter!” The next caption had the same man holding his head where a knot had developed as a shovel and sack of seeds that God had thrown from heaven, bounced off his head. From above the man there were clouds drawn with words from above saying: “Do for self!” Being reliant upon Allah means to get up with the help of Allah and provide for yourself, family, community (jama`at) and nation (umma) with the help of Allah, knowing fully well that there is no power nor might besides Him and that he alone creates your actions, provides assistance and sustenance. Even if there were some magic formula that a person could recite and did not have to actively seek after his daily bread; do you think that you genuinely deserve it? Listen the best of creation, upon him be pleasings and peace, worked for a living. Somedays he was prosperous and generous as the wind and somedays he went to sleep hungry and was still generous with whatever he had. If this was the case with the best of creation, why do you think anyone else’s life would be any different? As African people, as Muslims, as men we are going to have to do the same things that every other people have done to place themselves and their civilization on a high level. We have to rely upon Allah and DO FOR SELF!

  12. as-Saalamu Alaykum Wa Barakatu

    in the beginning commentary from the ‘signs of the end times’ you mention other books related to the science of eschatology written by our Shehu Uthman (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)

    May you please post them?

    • The Shehu, may Allah engulf him in His mercy composed at least eleven books that we know of in Arabic prose dealing with the Signs of the End of time and eschatology. He also composed more than twenty works in ajami (Fulfulde or Hausa) dealing with this subject as well. The works that you find posted on the http://www.siiasi.org site are the ones that we have translated. If the works are not posted; then they have not been translated yet.

      • Jazakarla Khair I appreciate your response. I enjoyed he one provided on this site. I most certainty benefited from such excellent scholarship. Indeed May Allah engulf eternally the soul with his eternity the soul from Uthman (Radi Allahu An).


  13. as-Saalamu Alaykum wa barakatu,

    I desire to understand the correct procession to his litany delineated by Shehu Uthman In his ad-Daala’il. In the introduction I cite the words form the author Abu Alpha,

    ‘The one who takes the ad-Dalaa’il as a daily litany will no doubt attain what Shehu Uthman attained.’

    Understanding this book contains 20 gathered litanies and in the commentary list the many times one seeker should recite each litany.

    How many litanies do I recite daily? One, two, or all twenty daily?
    With regards to the beginner, novice, intermediate, and expert?

    Jazakarala Khair

  14. Presently a horrible hostage situation exist in Bamako where muharibi terrorist are holding African and foreign nationals in the Radison Hotel. We ask Allah ta`ala to assist the Malian authorities to free all the hostages and put an end to this seige. What we know so far is that the criminals are a part of the al-Mourabitoun faction of alqaeda. I am asking all our visitors at SIIASI to make sincere supplication to Allah ta`ala that He will protect the Malian authorities, free the hostages and bring the criminal terrorist to justice.

  15. Dear SIIASI visitors, I as the founding director of this institute stand in supporting grief with the people of Paris against the horribile, cowardly and inhumane acts committed by Daesh, this evening. To wantonly attack and kill innocent men, women and children outside the arena of war while they socialize and dine is so far from the way of the warrior that it can only be thrown with lowest and most file of the animal kingdom! These murderers are not even human, let alone MUSLIM. But unfortuantely for the Muslims, Daesh has been able to successfully incite all nations with Muslim national minorities to make life imbearable for them. May Allah make the impending social strife asy for the Muslims the way He made the fire cool for our father, Abraham.
    My genuine condolences to the the people of Paris.

  16. As-salaamu alaikum Shaykh Muhammad Al-Shareef,
    My name is Abdullahi Fodiwa. I am a student of your student, Imam Toure. I asked him for permission to contact you because I have taken the Qadiri tariqah through the golden chain and had a number of questions for you. My first question is, What are the foundations upon which the Qadiri tariqah is based? What is the method for spiritual training?
    I also wanted to know what attributes or characteristic separates the Qaadiriyya-Fudiawwa from the other Qadiri groups? In the introduction to the Ihya as-sunnah you thanked your teacher Shaykh Umar Ahmed Zaruuq of Maiurno for teaching you the eschatological history of teaching me that history?
    Last but not least is it possible for you to share one of the principle works of the Qaadiriyya as delianated by one of the Fudiawawa scholars? I already have in my possession “Glad Tidings of the Community of Ahmed” by Shehu Uthman Tariq’ul Jannah and “Showing Gratitude to the Benefactor” by Shaykh Dan Tafa. I also own a couple of Shaykh Abd-al Qadir Jaylani books such as “Fath ar-rabbani” and “Summary of Religious Knowledge”.
    May Allah reward you brother. Please forgive me for the bombardment of questions. I have been wanting to contact you for quite some time now. I desire to draw nearer to my lord and have been looking for instruction. May Allah shower his mercy and blessings upon you, the Sultan of Maivrno Al- Hajj Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad Tahir, the Fudiaww and the entire community of Muhammad. Ameen

    Abdullahi Fudiawwa

    • Sidi Abdullahi another work that you may not have which defines the Qaadiriyya as delineated by Shehu Uthman ibn Fuduye`is the edited Arabic text called as-Salaasil’l-Qaadiriyya (The Qaadiri Chain).
      It can be read and downloaded from the following link:

      As for learning and taking instruction from me; I am in Afrika; but to study with me you will also have to learn and master a Jeoman martial arts quan along with one or more of the four classic weapons. We hope to be able to bring Grandmaster Mwallimu Bomani Abd’l-Hamid Magharibi, his son Hassani and other advanced students, such as Amir Kwame` to instruct students in the five element eight tri gram jeomen system.
      From the local guilds you will have to learn calligraphy and/or master the art of the book. It’s not going to be easy, but Allah willing you will be transformed. I cannot guarantee the transformation of your inner self (because that is your personal struggle); but I will guarantee your physical transformation. Then we can sit give and recieve the significant works of the Shehu and his jama`at. West Afrika is amazing to say the least with at least thirty major dynamic cities which act as driving engines for the region. So if you are really serious about studying with me, come back to Afrika for a nice vacation; spend time transforming yourself; come back Home through your own Gate of Return. Then go back to the US and teach all the people the way of Peace! …then perhaps the American people can complete that revolution that started way before 1776! Anyway …welcome!

  17. As salaamu alaykum,

    I see members of the Jamaat of the Shehu doing a hand shake, I question it and the brother stated that it’s sunna, I was wondering if there is any proof of this?

    • Wa Alaikum Salaam wa rahma, I know of two hadith given to us from Shaykh Muhammad Al Yaqubi one of them being the clasping or Musafaha and the other a joining of the fingers Muqabadah my spelling could be off but tgey are separate hand shakes you may see some of us combine them however. Allah knows better.

    • As Salamu Alaikum wa rahmatulah Hermano Che

      The hand shake that some people do with the clasping of hands was transmitted to brothers through our Shayhk Muhammad Al Yaqoubi.
      it can be found in english in a couple of text. One of them is in the seerah written by Shayhk Sirajadeen .
      This is one of the narrations regarding the way the Messenger of Allah Saul Allahu Alayhi wasalam would shake hands that can be found in the Shama’il of Shayhk Yusef Nabahani Raheem Allah translated by Sidi Abdul Aziz Suraqah

      The Section of the Prophet Saul Allahu Alayhi wasalam Character

      Narrated by Ibn Sa’d
      “Whenever he met with one of his companions, The Messenger of Allah (Saul Allahu Alayhi Wasalam) would be the first to initiate the shaking of hands; he would then take his companions hand and clasp it, fingers intertwined, strengthening his grasp over it”

  18. Asalamu Alaykum Sidi Shaykh. I am incorporating my business to launch the dawah and economic program in my locale. Another brother is starting a Musjid, and has his store. I’ve.informed Amir Rashad Al-amreeki … Im not sure if he’s contacted as of yet.
    Murid Taher Ibn-Mohamed El-Taher Abusafita.

    • When developing locale communities, especially corporate communities you have to look closely at the model of Imam Luqman (aka Kenneth Gamble) in his rehabilitation of entire areas of north Philadelphia. Another example to follow is Amir Ibrahim Snow in Pittsburgh who has been organizing their community to revitalize delabidated homes and buildings in north Pittsburgh. Whatever you do Sidi, do what the Messenger of Allah, said: “Help your endeavors with secrecy because every person with a blessing is envied.”

  19. I ask Allah ta`ala to look upon the people of Nigeria with His compassion, mercy and wellbeing, and organize and unite its people in the pursuit of justice, law and order and the quelling of corruption. As Africa becomes more united and intercontinental networks began to operate, Nigeria has the potential to be one of the five major organs which will operate and drive this dynamic continent. Nigerians collectively should began to look towards the east in the directions of India and China as models for future growth and development. Since the ending of European colonialism African nations have kept their gazes upon the European and western metropoles as models for development. Indeed, many leading African families benefited from this new form of colonialism where to this day African nations and people are still exploited and short of the private benefits gained by these ‘black diamonds’, are still the least developed of the nations of the world. If the models presented to us by western civilization have not benefited Africans, it is time that we began to look at other models or to perhaps re-examine our own models. Whenever a people awaken from slumber, they usually look ftowards the east for the rising of a new day. It is time that African people began to look closely at the economic, social and political developments of China and India, and to some extent, the nation of Malaysia; since these nations like those of Africa, experienced acute repression from foreign western powers; gained their independence, maintained to some extent a sense of non-allignment; but have been committed to defining themselves as the carriers and purveyors of sino and indo civilization. In this process, they have become global as a people and as an economic power, which are bouying up certain sinking segments of western capitalism. As a religious leader my view will always lean towards the inner meaning of these events and note the miraculous Actions of Allah behind them. We have a purely communist nation and a mostly polythiestic nation propping up the collapsing capitalist/monothiestic world. This should be an anomoly, because we were taught that capitalism was diametrically opposed to communism and that western concepts of monotheism exist in order to eradicate all forms of polythiesm. So since their order as they defined it has turned upside down; it is important for Africans now to relook at their own historical models and compare them with the emerging economies and societies of the far east. When you look at Africa as a federated union combined with the wealthy African communities of the diaspora following the same sino/indo trajectories in terms of education, agriculture, manufacturing, industry and technology; then you are looking at possibly the last great superpower – the African Continent. When we have this vision of African People as an enriched global network; then cueing up in lines for the most trivial of services becomes easy.

  20. As salam alaykum Shaykh Muhammad, this is your brother in Las Vegas, you visited us several years ago. I would like to request some insights from you as it relates to Masjid Policy. If this is possible, please email me at the above.


    • wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma
      I recieved your email and I will answer as soonas I get a chance. School has begun in Africa so, I am quite busy teaching and preparing my students for their Cambridge examinations. However, I will say this, without mentioning any of the particulars of your original message; that every single act of disobedience or heretical innovation which Muslims in the US commit are symptoms of the original sin of residing in a state which openly advocates hatred for Islam and its people. In no other land on earth, besides other European states is the name of Prophet Muhammad more maligned and slandered than in the US. Muslims in the US are the direct targets of xenophobia and hatred. The US is the point guard in the war against islamic societies and people around the world. According to the consensus of the Quran, the Sunna and the consensus these facys make it prohibited for Muslims to reside in the US. I realize that Muslims in the US who have become accustomed to the dunya of the west will find what i have to say challenging and disturbing; but the problems that you all are facing and will have to face are the symptoms of the greater sin of residing in a land that does not love the honor of Islam or its people.

      • Mashallah wa tabarakallah!

        If we truly knew freedom then we could truly love it. This would in turn place a burning DESIRE to taste it. Freedom is with the one who desires nothing because he has it all. His desires are only to become a FREER slave of His Master, Allah. No place can contain Him except the place that draws him closer to His master, reminds him of his Master and acknowledges that His Master is THE MASTER. This FREE slave has tasted freedom from the NAFS (SELF) and THE WORLD and has ENSLAVED Himself to THE MASTER how then can HOME be any place other than A HOME that seeks to please HIS MASTER!

  21. Thank you, I hav just beesn looking for info approximately this topic for a while and yours is the brst I have came upon so far.
    However, what in regards to the bottom line?Are you positive
    in rgards to the source?

    • Since I have not recieved a clarification of your question, I’ve taken the liberty of further clarifying my dream. since I assume it is to it that you are referring . First off what i saw was a dream, which means it could have significance or it can simply be a figment of my imagination. What made it important enough for me to narrate it is that I had not read anything or even discussed the issue of Djabouti prior to my dream. It was a dream I had out of the blue. Secondly the dream was clear. It was not symbolic with obscure and vague references. Thus, I felt it necessary to narrate what I saw here.

  22. There have been many sound prophetic traditions transmitted regarding the veracity of the true dream (ruya’ saadiq) of a believer. In certain traditions, the true dream is determined to be a 45th part of prophecy, a 60th part of prophecy and a 75th part of prophecy; based upon the different traditions narrated. These differences according to many of the People of Allah is determined by the different spiritual states and stations of the believer. It has also been narrated in sound prophetic traditions that the true dreams of believers will increase as we approach the events which signal the appearance of the Hour.
    Shehu Uthman ibn Fuduye said in his Ihya’s-Sunna ‘l-Muhamm,adiyya wa Ikhmad’l-Bida`t’s-Shaytaaniyya the following: “As for what the people have invented from Satanic innovation in the issue of dreams are the following: Among these innovations is a person undertaking to do an action or leaving an action based merely upon what is seen during sleep (bi mujarradi ‘l-manaam), without referring that to the Book of Allah ta`ala, the sunna of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace and the fundamental principles (qawaa`id) of the early community (as-Salaf), may Allah be pleased with them. This is a forbidden innovation by consensus. It says in the al-Madkhal, “Beware of what has occurred among the people in these times where some see the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace during his sleep, commanding something or forbidding something. This person then rises from his sleep and undertakes doing that thing or leaving that thing based merely upon what he saw during his sleep, without referring it to the Book of Allah ta`ala, the sunna of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace and the fundamental principles of the Salaf, may Allah be pleased with them. Allah ta`ala says in His Mighty Book, ‘If you dispute about anything then refer it back to Allah and the Messenger.'[ Qur’an, 4:59.] The meaning here of, ‘. …refer it back to Allah …, means back to the Book of Allah. The meaning of, ‘… and the Messenger …, that is to the Messenger during his life and to his sunna after his death based upon what the scholars, may Allah be merciful to them have said. The vision of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace is true and there is doubt in it based upon his words, upon him be peace, ‘Whoever has seen me then he has seen me. Satan cannot take my form.’ This is based upon the difference in the narrations of this tradition. However, Allah ta`ala has not made His slaves responsible for anything which occurs in their sleep.” Among these innovations is not regarding dreams at all (`adama ‘r-ru’ya ‘aslan). This is a forbidden innovation by consensus because dreams are not to be completely ignored. This is due to the fact that dreams and visions are a part of prophecy as it is related in the Saheeh of al-Bukhari.”
    Having cited this, I want to relate a dream I had yesterday prior to the dawn prayer, in which I was in Sudan in a place called Kasalla near the border of Ethiopia. I was visiting the grave of Shaykh Uthman al-Murghani. I was supplicating at his grave for the protection and well being of the whole of the African continent and its people, and I heard a voice from the grave say: “And do not forget to pray for the people of Djabouti because the Americans are going to try and overthrow the government there!” So in my dream I started making supplication for the people of Djabouti and while I was doing that I actually saw US marines, French, Djabouti and Ethiopian forces storming the president’s palace; but a string wind from the east starting blowing a huge dust storm (habuub) and twarted the coup. I pay that Allah will place repentance in the heart of the president of Djabouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh and cause him and his administration to direct themselves to Allah and His path.

  23. al-hamdulillah wa shukru lillah since President Muhammad al-Buhari’s election he has fulfilled many of his promises, by cracking down upon the nihilistic, masygonistic and khawaariji Boko Haram in the northeast of the country. In addition to this he has set about the quelling of economic corruption in the potentially booming oil sector; as well as reforming Nigeria’s military. Recently in declaring his personal finances, it has been revealed that he is the most austere African head of state on the whole continent in the most Africa’s most prosperous nation. I pray that he will be able to fulfill all of his promises he made which brought about his election; an election which was the first democractically held in Nigeria’s history. I pray that Allah ta`ala will help him to bring in the diverse ethnic and lingustic groups in the south east and southwest as partners in the development of Nigeria; and that Allah will eradicate corruption, nepostism, ethnic and religious hostilities around the nation; and FINALLY set Nigeria on the course of being the most developed nation of the African continent. Finally, after fulfilling his promises he made to the Nigerian people, I pray that Allah ta`ala will allow President Muhammad al-Buhari to retire in the same manner that Shehu Uthman dan Fodio and Shaykh Abdullahi dan Fodio retired from activce rule, having set the people of Nigeria on the right course of high African civilization. A strong, just, independent and prosperous Africa is what Prophet Muhammad bequeathed to us when he sent his beleagueared community to Abyssinia; and a strong, just, independent and prosperous Africa, she must be as we approach the Last Days and Times.

  24. al-hamdulillah the new president of Nigeria, Muhammad al-Buhari just declared his financial assets and he is reported to be the most austere African leader in the most prosperous African nation. There is a saying among Chinese sages: “When the ruler is empty, the people are full.” This means that when the ruler of a nation lives an austere life; then the people under his charge are provided for. We ask Allah ta`ala to keep him on this pattern and let it be an example for all African rulers.

  25. As Salaamu Alaykum, from your Digital Archive’s I couldn’t print Shaykh Abdullahi Ibn Fuduye’s Ruuh’s Salaat. Please send to my email address above or to my Husband’s email (jamaatabd.wali@gmail.com) and UNlocked version so that I can have it to study. Thank you, in advance, Khaleelah Saafir. May Allah be pleased with you. The Essence of Prayer.pdf is what I would like to have.

  26. As Salaamu Alaykum, from your Digital Archive’s I couldn’t print Shaykh Abdullahi Ibn Fuduye’s Ruuh’s Salaat. Please send to my email address above or to my Husband’s email (jamaatabd.wali@gmail.com) and UNlocked version so that I can have it to study. Thank you, in advance, Khaleelah Saafir. May Allah be pleased with you.

  27. Again, I want to thank Allah ta`ala for bringing to the helm in Nigeria President Muhammad al-Buhari. He along with his colleagues in five neighboring African countries have just decapitated the leadeship of Boko Haram and these muhaaribi are now crying for peace.
    It is essential for Africa, as we get closer to the Saa`a, that she be strong, united, just and prosperous in order to be a refuge of the Peope of Allah and not a refuge for terrorists, criminals and muhaaribi bands.
    All praises are due to Allah for President Muhammad al-Buhari! May Allah protect him and make his government fair, virtuous, strong, secure and prosperous. And when he has fulfilled his mandate for the Nigerian people and Africa; let him retire with the same dignity, honor and acheivements that Shehu Uthman ibn Fuduye and Shaykh Abdullahi ibn Fuduye` earned when they retired from active rule. O Allah protect the people of Nigeria, make the prosperous and provide them with sustainable development. al-hamdullilahi rabb’l-Aalameen

  28. ASA
    Please keep me up to date on your recordings of these vaild articles of Islamic information from the African Scholars of the past and present inshallah.

  29. Salaamu aliakum Shaykh, im studyinh calligraphy in Cairo now. Im trying to find out where I can learn the Magribi script. The centers here do not teach that particular style. If I travel to West Africa, can I learn there? Whats your advice?

  30. wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma Imam Muhammad Abdullah
    First you do not have to use all capitals it means that you are shouting at someone.LOL! Secondly, I’m not sure how we can work out an interview because I’m back in Africa and you know how communication in the continent can be. But lets see what we can do, inshaa Allah!




  34. I would like to express my condolescences to the families of the nine African American victims of the racist attack at the African Methodist Episcopal church in Charleston. It is high time that the African American national minority bring their case collectively to interntional bodies in order to bring to an end white chauvinism in the U.S.

  35. For the Record
    I’d like to thank Allah and congratulate President Muhammad Bukari on his election win and his objective to put a stop to lawlessness and terrorism in the central bilad’s-sudan. Boko Haram is an anomoly completely antithetical to EVERYTHING which represents African Islamic Civilization. I promised my highschool students that one day they will be able to drive safely from Cairo to Cape Town and from Dakar in Senegal to Tokar on the Red Sea coast; on well constructed and networked continental highways. I pray that President Buhari will continue to work closelly with African nations in order to solve their problems themselves. My only advice to our new president of the vibrant nation of Nigeria is that GOD has declared that Africa MUST be independent and strong so that she can be the haven and refuge for the HIS people, just as Africa was the refuge of Abraham, Joseph, Isaaq and his eleven sons; Mary and her majestic infant, Jesus. A strong, independent and just Africa was the place of refuge for Muhammad’s beleaguered communty in Mecca. President Buhari…make Nigeria strong…and help make the rest of Africa strong. We have the continental resources, population labor force, and all the other factors for sustainable development. What Africa lacks is what our leaders and representatives MUST procure for the benefit of all the people. Again congratulation and best prayers for all the people of Nigeria and for their new president…President Muhammad Buhari.

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