The Essence of Prayer
This is a translation of a small but comprehensive book concerning salat (prayer). It was written by one of our ancestors, the learned shaykh, and upright teacher, Abdullahi ibn Muhammad (d. 1827). Shaykh Abdullahi was Fullani by lineage, Maliki by school of thought and held to the `Ash’ari creed in the beginning of his affair but then relied solely on the Qur’an and Sunna in his later years in the area of belief and theology.
He was the brother of the famous leader Shaykh Uthman ibn Fuduye’ and was the most learned man of his time. He also was the chief general of the armies, and the Amir of the region of Gwandu (the western region of the Sokoto Empire). He was a prolific writer, whose works covered every science of the Islamic sciences. He is said to have written more than 200 books.
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As salaamu alaykum,
I see members of the Jamaat of the Shehu doing a hand shake, I question it and the brother stated that it’s sunna, I was wondering if there is any proof of this?
wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma
we have a break coming up so I should be able to post the legal proofs and chains of authority of the masfahah and the muqabaddah soon.
As Salamu Alaikum wa rahmatulah Hermano Che
The hand shake that some people do with the clasping of hands was transmitted to brothers through our Shayhk Muhammad Al Yaqoubi.
it can be found in english in a couple of text. One of them is in the seerah written by Shayhk Sirajadeen .
This is one of the narrations regarding the way the Messenger of Allah Saul Allahu Alayhi wasalam would shake hands that can be found in the Shama’il of Shayhk Yusef Nabahani Raheem Allah translated by Sidi Abdul Aziz Suraqah
The Section of the Prophet Saul Allahu Alayhi wasalam Character
Narrated by Ibn Sa’d
“Whenever he met with one of his companions, The Messenger of Allah (Saul Allahu Alayhi Wasalam) would be the first to initiate the shaking of hands; he would then take his companions hand and clasp it, fingers intertwined, strengthening his grasp over it”
Masha Allah, sidi Hamza.