Sankore’ Digital Archive

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Akhlaaq’l- Mustafa




  • Manuscript Encyclopedia
  • International Collaboration


  • Zawiyya Project (Bamako, Mali)
  • Pending Translations



10 thoughts on “DIGITAL ARCHIVE

  1. Selam,

    I have a question about muslim scholars before Dr. Rashad Khalifa writing about the number 19 in the Quran. I am referring to Dr. Rashad Khalifas wrote several books about the mathematical pattern of 19 in the Quran because I met an Imam from your organization who told me about Dr. Khalifa.

    After I read Suran 74:30, 66:6 and saw that the letters in the word COVID – 19 are Roman Numerals having values of 100,0,5,1,500 who produce the equation 1+5=(6) 100+500=(600) and (6) zeros (666) I started asking question.

    I want to thank the Imam from your organization and ask if you have more mathmatical information on the Quran.


  2. Q: Yaa Abu Alfa, do we substitute the shehu’,s awraad for the prophet’s Sunnah? Do we do both, or which one is preferable???

    • wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma ….I do not understand your question. If a person is a follower of he Shehu of course he recites his awraad because it is not other than the Sunna. Each of the awraad of the SHehu are adhkaar firmly esablished by the Quran and the Sunna. So I do not understand what you are asking.

  3. as-Saalamu’ Alaykum wa Hakeemutulaahi, wa barakatuhu!

    Yaa Abu Alpha! May Allah continue to shower its blessings upon the few and chosen Muslims of this age, who sincerely keep Muhammad on they’re thoughts and the virtuous cause in they’re hearts. May Allah reward the Shehu Uthman and all those who follow him amongst his family, friends, companions, students, and lovers of truth. And may Allah cause everyone to be familiar with the prophesied savior who will establish justice all over the world as there is oppression. AmEEN

    I am become familiar with some text from Islamic scholars through research about the portents of the hour, and the signs of syed al-Mahdi. Phsical descriptions from his shoulders, face, the mole on his right cheek, and his right hand, down to the leaf marking on his lower back. I’ve read also that syed al-Mahdi will be a black man, and that he will come from the west in a large city (medina) and not the city ‘al-Medina’ in Arabia. I aslo read that he will look like the children of Israel in appearance and stature, but he will be 100 percent hashim from the seed of Ali (RA). And I’ve also learned that syed al-Mahdi will not be a fluent Arabic speaker, but will understand the Qur’an and it’s esoteric secrets.

    All these things I believe. I believe from these scholars, however I want to see more of this explained by some of the scholars of the fodiwa.

    Perhaps there are some book written by Shehu and company on the physical descriptions of this savior, and you can post it?

    Inshallah, may Allah make your affairs easy.


    • wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma
      I am not up on word processing fonts like I used to be, but the one closest in my opinion is Andalus on Word. One person who i know would have a lot to say about the subject of modern word processing fonts and sudanic scripts is professor Andrea Brigaglia from the University of Cape Town. He is one of the leading authorities on sudanic Arabic calligraphy and collophones. He can be contacted here:

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