On Translating This Monumental Work
I first began translating the Tarikh as-Sudan of Shaykh Abd’r-Rahman as-Sa`di in the spring of 1990. It was when I was informed a year later by Dr. Gregory Maddox of the History Department of Texas Southern University, that Dr. John Hunwick was also in the process of translating the text and had the financial backing of the Ford Foundation and other lucrative institutions that I moved on to other more important translations on behalf of the Jama`at of Shehu Uthman ibn Fuduye` in the U.S. In fact, I spoke with Dr. Hunwick about the progress of his work at the time, and I was far ahead of him in my translations. However, I decided to forgo my work on it and Hunwick promised that he would get me an advance copy of his translations when it was completed.
Well some years later his work was completed and published by Mc Brill and as promised, he sent me a copy to read and critic. I was pleased with his work, however, I was somewhat taken aback by the fact that he did not translate the entire text; particularly those latter chapters that dealt with the mortality of the notables and scholars of the Bilad as-Sudan.
Dr. Hunwick felt that this information was not pertinent to understanding the history of the region. However, I disagreed then and now; because there was a reason that as-Sa`di singled out chapters specifically for the mention of mortality rates among the scholars and notables of the Bilad as-Sudan.
The key reason being that social development in the eyes of the author, and indeed in the view of any Muslim is built upon the existence and persistence of the clerical class in Islam.
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace once said:
“There is a category among men who when they are sound, then the people are sound, and when they have been ruined, then the people will be ruined. They are the scholars and the rulers.”
Shaykh Muhammad Shareef
Translated Chapters
- A list of the rulers of Songhay
- The origin of Sonni
- The reign of Songhay by the ruler of Mali – Mansa Kankan Musa
- The Empire of Mali
- The City of Djenne’
- The Scholars, People of piety, and Judges of Djenne’
- The Genesis of the city of Tinbuku
- Identification of the Tauregs
- A Biography of the Scholars of Tinbuktu
- A Small tract from the Kitab’n-Nayl of Shaykh Ahmad Baba
- A Chronological order of the Imams of the Jingerber and the Sankore’ Masaajid
- The Biography of the Tyrant Sunni Ali Baar
- The Amir’l-Mu’mineen Askiyya Al-Hajj Muhammad Ibn Abu Bakr
Shaykh. A student by the name of musa kevin zacrkhues thornton contacted you nine years ago when you were in the republic of chin. He is now at rjd in california. Please write him at his sijn. You can find him by his cdcr number he said. Its p80674 kevin zacrkhues thornton. He wishes to study and take bayah. Assalamu alaykum.
wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma..if you are in contact with him give him my email address siiasi@yandex.com
Assalamu alaikum sheikh, I am trying to find the history of the Sokoto jihad against the British that had been safely kept by the muhajirun in Sudan? I’d read it previously here but cannot locate it now.
wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma I believe this is what you are looking for: The Zaman an-Nasaara: https://siiasi.org/digital-archive/shaykh-muhammad-shareef/zamann-nasaara/
As salaamu alaikum Shaykh Muhammad. Quick question, where was Abdur-Rahman As-Sa’di from?
He was a citizen of Tmbuktu and acted as judge of the city.
Please send the basics of aqeedah
wa alaykum as salaam wa rahma
Sidi Kwanza
The fact that you commented on this page says that you know how to navigate a website. If you simply go here: (http://siiasi.org/usuuld-deen/) you will find exactly what you were requesting. Take the time Sidi and surf the site and you may find most of what you want regarding seminal works on African Islamic civilization.
Thanks for visiting
As salaam alaikum. Please the basics of aqeedah
Again go to these sections of the http://www.siiasi.org and you can download two books that deal with the basics of aqeedah: 1 [http://siiasi.org/usuuld-deen/] and 2 [http://siiasi.org/digital-archive/shaykh-uthman-ibn-fuduye/kifayaatl-muhtadeen/]