Lines of Poetry Extolling Shaykh Abd’l-Qaadir al-Jaylani
Make my affairs excellent in this world and in the Hereafter By the spiritual place of those who supplicate by means of Abd’l-Qaadir, O Lord make all hardships easy for me when Death comes by the spiritual place of Abd’l-Qaadir, O Lord then make my ending be excellent From the spiritual rank which is called Abd’l-Qaadir, O Lord make easy for me the answering of Munkar And Nakeer by the spiritual place of Abd’l-Qaadir,
O Lord save me from the punishment of the grave, O Lord by the spiritual ranks of Abd’l-Qaadir, O Lord bless me with the blessings of the grave from The spiritual ranks of the one named Abd’l-Qaadir, O Lord save from the heat of the sun of the Day of Standing O Lord from the spiritual ranks of Abd’l-Qaadir, My Lord give me my book in my right hand, O Lord from the spiritual ranks of Abd’l-Qaadir
O Lord make easy for me the Reckoning during my standing, O Lord from the spiritual ranks of Abd’l-Qaadir, O Lord make my scales heavy for me Tomorrow, O Lord from the spiritual ranks of Abd’l-Qaadir, O Lord permit me to pass over the Bridge over Hell, O Lord from the spiritual ranks of Abd’l-Qaadir, O Lord enter me under the intercession of Ahmad The best of creatures by the spiritual place of Abd’l-Qaadir
O Lord give me to drink from the Basin of Ahmad The best of creatures by the spiritual place of Abd’l-Qaadir, O Lord redeem me from the Fire and let me enter Into the Paradise by the spiritual place of Abd’l-Qaadir, O Lord marry me to Its large eyed virgins, O Lord from the spiritual ranks of Abd’l-Qaadir Show me, my Allah, the face of Ahmad my refuge The best of creatures by the spiritual place of Abd’l-Qaadir
O Lord regarding the Vision of Your Essence count me And answer my supplications by means of Abd’l-Qaadir And answer the supplications of our men and our women, O Lord from the spiritual ranks of Abd’l-Qaadir As well as the supplications of every believer, accept them, My poetic verses are our means to access Abd’l-Qaadir, Answer the supplications of the author along with the scribe,O Lord from the spiritual ranks of Abd’l-Qaadir
Answer the supplications of the one who memorizes it and recites it, O Lord from the spiritual ranks of Abd’l-Qaadir Answer the supplications of the one who hears i,t along with the one made happy With the poem from the spiritual ranks of Abd’l-Qaadir, It is completed in the month of Rabi’l-Awwal The month of Ahmad the grandfather of Abd’l-Qaadir According to the history of his hijra basheer (1212), so rejoice And take as an intermediary Shaykh Abd’l-Qaadir
I have Arabized what my brother, my Shaykh composed in non Arabic Both of us together taking as intermediary Abd’l-Qaadir, The letters of my poem following exactly the pattern of his letters Except in a few places, step by step I hope through my partnership with him for acceptance Because I am a disciple of the disciple of Abd’l-Qaadir, The blessings of Ahmad in the lands of Allah Has become universal and abundant by Abd’l-Qaadir.”
Shaykh Abdullahi ibn Fuduye`, Tazyeenl-Waraqaat, unpublished manuscript in the hands of the author, folios 35-38.
Translations From the Shaykh
- Hizb’l Itmam
- Salaatul Kubra
- Salaatul Wusta
- Hizb’l-Fath’l-Basaa’ir