The Arrangement of the Ihya(UPDATED)
The secret of the Ihya ‘s-Sunna is in the manner in which the Shehu divided the text. He divided the Ihya ‘s-Sunna into thirty-three chapters. Each of these chapters were divided into two sections. Allah ta`ala says,
“Glory be to Him who has created paired opposites of everything, from what the earth produces, from themselves and from what they are unawares.”
Thus, the thirty-three chapters were divided into sixty-six sub-chapters. This number is equivalent to the numerical value of the name Allah ta`ala. In the science of abjadiyya: the alif = 1; the first laam = 30; the second laam = 30; and the ha = 5. Thus, the total letters when added equals 66. This integration of the elemental sciences (`ulumm ‘l-awaa’il) was a constant feature of Shehu Uthman throughout his literary career. In his Bayan Wujub ‘l-Hijra, he said,
“I have placed within this book sixty-three chapters like the number of years of the Prophet, upon him be blessings and peace. It is a book which will prove of benefit, Allah willing, to those who rely upon in it in this age.”
We noted earlier that the poem ad-Daaliyya which inaugurated the career of the Shehu was arranged in the same fashion based upon the science of abjadiyya. He said,
“With the help of the Lord of the worlds, I have completed it, And made its number like the years of Muhammad. In the year qaf, shin after nun, jeem – so understand!
From the hijra of the best guide the Prophet Muhammad”.
Thus in the Ihya ‘s-Sunna the Shehu clarified in sixty-six sub-chapters the paired opposites which underline the salvation and destruction of the individual as well as the society. They are the Sunna of Muhammad and Satanic Innovation. Prof. Ismail Balogun demonstrated in his excellent critic of the Ihya ‘s-Sunnathat in every chapter the Shehu starts by explaining that the way to achieve the sunna of Muhammad in the issue of the mentioned chapter is by adhering to what the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace did in that respect.
As’salaamu alaykum Cheikh! I hope that this message receives you in peace and an abundance of all that is good. May Allah azza wajjal continue to safeguard you and your family.
I’ve been going over the text Ihya’s-Sunna with a few brothers of the Jamm’at here in Los Angeles (3 times a week). It has been very informative and rather astonishing to see the knowledge of the Shehu (R.A.) being expounded on in such a lofty manner. May Allah grant those seeking Hidayah and from the attributes of Akhlaq.
Sidy Nasir
As salaam alaikum Shaykh,
Is there a text on the science of Abjadiyya?
This is Farajullah Aswad Husein
Barakallah Feek.
there is a text composed by Sultan Muhammad Bello called al-Kaafi fee `Ilm al-Jifri wa ‘l-Qawaafi
as salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barrakatuhu jst curious if you have a jammat out here in texas? ive been here 9 years from new yoprk city and when i came i was upon salafiyah wich im no longer apart of ma”shah allah but very intreisted in learning more of the sehu
There is Amir Bomani of the Five Element Kungfu/Wushu in Houston Texas
Are these books in english. Where can we get it?
Assakam Aleykoum
would it be possible to get this book in Arabic?
FinAmani Lah