Our Collective Concerns
The SANKORE’ Institute of Islamic-African Studies International (SIIASI) is honored to provide this page for the dissemination of information for liberation which addresses, and details the condition of indigenous Muslims in America, and abroad.
The nature of the relationship of Muslims and non-Muslims, and the reality of that co-existence inside and outside the Lands of Islam, is an age old issue that Muslims continue to address in these times while sinking even faster into the reality of the end of time.
History has shown that our scholars have written extensively about these issues, and it is that traditional, more refined, historical scholarly opinion, which we feel, is free from the taint of modernity. This perspective will be at the root of the opinions given in this section, combined with the ideas that have been constructed and are accepted world wide from the Articles of International Law.
It is for this reason that selected writings from Imam Wansharisi and others, will be highlighted to speak clearly on these issues, the legalities pertaining to social contracts that have taken place historically, which will (Allah willing,) detail what we as Muslims should be thinking and doing.
We look forward to our contributors providing the material that will spark debate and constructive discussion to aid us in our efforts to please Allah firstly, and provide answers to some of these most timely concerns.
Downloadable Contributions
- Sapelo Square
- The Atlantic Creoles
- The Muslim Factor in the Haitian Revolution
- Arabic Documents of Northern Nigeria
- Muslim Organizations Early 1900’s (Listed)
- Amiri Baraka’s Critique of Manning Marable’s Book
- Chronology of Islam in America and the Caribbean
- The Muslim Maroons and the Bucra Massa in Jamaica
- The Ummah Slowly Bled
- African and African American Muslim Presence from early New York…
- The Sunni Islamic Training and Mission of El-Hajj Malik As-Shabbaz
- The Islamic Slave Revolts of Bahia Brazil
- The Characteristics of Nationalism in an Islamic State
- Education, Erudition, and Gender Equality in Islam
- The Islamic Inquisition (Al-Mihna)
- The Origin and Meaning of Al-Futuwwa
- Al-Mahdi
Dear visitors to the SIIASI website, I just recieved a copy of the new translation of the Tarikh al-Fattash of Qadi al-Hajj Mahmud Ka`ti edited and translated by Christopher Wise and Hala Abu Taleb. It is an excellent work which I recommend for anyone concerned with African Islamic civilization. It is even more important for the descendents of enslaved African Muslims in the western hemisphere who are attempting the recover and revive their historical consciousness and reconstruct an identity construct that is authentic. As African American national minorities continue to rise up and push for their rights of self determination in the western hemisphere, this work, the Timbuktu Chronicles is an essential ingredient in defining the trajectories of their struggle and goals which their struggle will seek to reach.
to this end we will post a page specifically designed to analyse and critique this work. I hope that our readers and visitors will purchase the work and post their comments regarding this work here.
Is that still available ya Shaykh? How can I get a copy?
Please feel free dear visitors to compose and post relevant articles and researches regarding African Islamic civilization, history and mores.